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2 Results

  • Personal Training

    FINALLY IT'S HERE: BIG LAKE BRINGS PERSONAL TRAINING AND NUTRITION SUPPORT TO COMMUNITY ED! Julie Anderson - Certified Personal Trainer & Advanced Nutritionist specializes in personalized and results-driven approach, focusing on your unique needs and goals. 1. **Custom Workouts:** Tailored exercise plans based on your fitness level and objectives. 2. **Nutritional Coaching:** Achieve your goals with personalized plans/support. 3. **Motivational Support:** Stay inspired and accountable throughout your fitness journey. **Why Choose Personal Training?** - **Individual Attention:** Personalized sessions catered exclusively to your fitness requirements. - **Form Correction:** Ensure proper technique to maximize results and prevent injuries. - **Accountability:** Stay on track with a dedicated coach supporting your progress. Invest in Yourself – Let Julie support you in your Health & Wellness journey! Training will ideally be 2 times a week. Once registered all training sessions will take place within two months. Questions about Personal Training? Email Julie Anderson @
  • Summer Adult Pickleball

    Welcome to all adults interested in playing and learning how to play the popular ageless sport of Pickleball!